November 14, 1895




Salem, Ky, Nov. 4, 1895.

Of all the great men that ever lived in Livingston county, there was none that had more warm friends than the Hon. Caswell Bennett, who departed this life about two years ago.  He came from Virginia, and located in Smithland[,] Ky[.] when a mere lad and like most all men who have left their "foot prints on the sands of time," he began life poor.  He told me one time, that a young lawyer, had to go through the process of starvation, before he could succeed in the practice of law.  He won the reputation of having the best legal mind of any lawyer that ever lived in this county.  And no one will deny it, that ever saw him, that he had the longest head on him of any man in the State.  He was for many years one of the judges of the court of Appeals, and his decisions won for him the love, and respect of the entire people of this grand old commonwealth.

Robert Ray, born, and raised in Livingston county, moved to Missouri, when a young man engaged in the practice of law grew wealthy, and was elected judge of the Supreme court of that State.

P. C. Patterson, for many years a lawyer in Smithland, Ky., went to California, and became judge of the Supreme court of that State.

One of the most remarkable men now living in this county, is James W. Cade.  For more than thirty years in succession he held office in this county.  He was for about 26 years, Circuit court clerk, he was also County court clerk.  He also held the office of Master Commissioner, and Trustee of the jury fund.  Mr. Cade always had an opponent in every race he made, but the harder the fight against him the larger would be his majority, and the last race he made for the office of Circuit court clerk, a desperate effort was made to beat him, on the ground that Cade had held office long enough, but to the great surprise of many, Cade's majority was larger than it ever had been at any previous time, James W. Cade never knew what it was to meet defeat.  Of course he made money, yes, plenty of money, but when he retired from office, he was attracted by the juicy orange, the sweet smelling magnolia blooms of the Sunny South, and there he went to rest for awhile, from his labors, and in the shade of the big trees and pine-apples to enjoy his old age.  And while there he thought he would try his luck in speculating in southern lands and growing oranges, and I expect that right there he lost a good big part of the wealth he made while in office.  At any rate when he returned to his old friends in Smithland, he told them, that he did not want any big office but most any office would suit him even the Post office, that he could not feel at home, without some office.  His old friends true to themselves, and true to Mr. Cade, at once put a petition in circulation for him to get the Post office, and sure as fate he got it by the old time majority, and to this day is in the full enjoyment of the fruit of that office.  Well my readers, his success, and popularity is easily accounted for.  He is a man of fine education, as polite as "Lord Chesterfield," as gentle as a woman, tender hearted as a child.  His character for honesty, verture [virtue] and truth, has never been questioned, he came to Livingston county, from North Carolina, when a very young man, and began to make his living by teaching school.

Another man that has formed a part of the history of Livingston county, is James K. Huey.  He represented this county in the legislature, once or twice.  Held the office of Sheriff two terms, and for sixteen consecutive years was county judge, of this county.  He won the reputation of being the best electioneer that ever lived in this county. He was a man of great ambition, and great energy, and when engaged in a canvass, he went on every mountain top, and in every valley in the county, he went to every home, and to every cabin.  He made a most excellent judge.  He watched the interest of the county with great care, and always had an eye single to reducing the taxes of the people, he was most positively opposed to extravagance in office, and he proved it by his every action while county judge, and it can be said to his credit that in every effort for office, he never used whiskey, as a means of success.  Under Huey's administration as county judge, the yoke of the tax payer was easy, and his burden light.  He could not bear the sting of defeat, and when he met his waterloo he did not live but a few months; and many think it caused his death.  He was a man of pure character and if there is a better world than this, there is no reason why James K. Huey should not be there.

In our next writing, we will have something to say of our doctors.

Free Silver.


Source:  Crittenden Press. (Marion, Ky.) 1879-1907, November 14, 1895, Image 1 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress.


[My comments are in brackets.]