MAJOR GROOM, postmaster at Sims' Store, Caldwell County, is one of the active, enterprising business men of the southern part of Caldwell County, Ky. He is the fifth child of a family of ten children, eight of whom are living, born to J. B. and Elizabeth E. Groom. He was born in Caldwell County, Ky., October 7, 1853. He has a farm of 140 acres, deals in leaf tobacco and livestock, and is successful in business. He was appointed postmaster in the fall of 1883. He has been a member of the Baptist Church for about twenty years. He takes an active interest in public enterprises, and lends a helping hand to all undertakings that are calculated to develops the resources of the country.


Source:  J. H. Battle, W. H. Perrin, & G. C. Kniffin. Kentucky. A History of the State. Louisville, KY, Chicago, IL: Battey, 1885. Pages 698-699.