P. E. COOK died of tuberculosis at his home in Paducah Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The remains reached Marion and were interred in the new cemetery, after funeral services by Rev. J. R. McAFEE.
Mr. COOK was 42 years of age on Sept. 30, last, and leaves, besides his wife, two children, Madeline and Julia.
He is also survived by his aged father, who resides here, and three brothers, Messrs. John Walt., Fred and Geo. COOK, and three sisters, Mesdames Jas. GILBERT, Ella LUCAS and Mary COOPER.
Mr. COOK was a member of the Methodist church here, and for many years was a resident of this city. He and his wife who was Miss Fanny MILES, have many friends here.
Charles Lee HEARIN, the eleven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. HEARIN, of Ft. Branch, Ind., died Saturday at 11 o'clock of pneumonia.
The remains were brought here by its parents Sunday and funeral services were held Monday morning at the Methodist church by Rev. J. R. McAFEE.
W. L. TRAVIS, an aged and highly respected citizen of the Emmaus vicinity, died last Saturday morning, Dec. 30th, at 4:30 o'clock. He was in his 66th year, having been born in April, 1840. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Frances REDD, a sister of our townsman, Wm. Wm. REDD, and by eight children, seven daughters, being Mrs. T. J. WRING of this city, Mrs. R. H. STUBBLEFIELD, Mrs. Mose PATTON, Mrs. Ed. PEEK; Misses Nellie, May and Miriam TRAVIS, and one son, Phil TRAVIS, all of this county. Mr. TRAVIS was a Baptist of long standing and a member of the church at Emmaus. The funeral was preached there Sunday by the Rev. James W. OLIVER of Kuttawa. The interment took place at OWEN school house, under the auspices of Liberty Lodge No. 580, of Frances, Ky., of which he was a member of high standing.
On Dec. 31st the remains of Mr. Henry FURGESON of Lyon county were interred in the Dycusburg cemetery. Mr. FURGESON died of pneumonia, after a short illness. He leaves a family consisting of a wife and several grown children--one son dangerously ill and not informed of his father's death.
DIED.--A few days before the holidays death claimed from her home, her associates and her many friends Miss Nettie MITCHELL, aged 20 years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MITCHELL, and a young lady universally beloved.
Will HASTIE, a wealthy young farmer living two miles above here, on the river, was instantly killed on the 29th ult., in a prospect shaft on his farm by a heavy timber falling on him. He leaves one brother, a wife and one child to mourn his tragic death. Will was a good man and his death was a terrible shock to his friends and neighbors.
Mrs. De SUITS died Sunday night at her home near here, after a brief illness. The remains were interred at the Ditney graveyard Monday. The deceased leaves a husband and three children to mourn her departure.
A good many of our people attended the funeral and burial of Wm. L. TRAVIS at Emmaus Sunday.
Since our last letter to the Press our old friend J. B. BRADLEY has passed away. Jim was a good citizen.
All Marion was shocked Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Mary Rebecca GILLIAM, at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. H. WOODS, corner Bellville and College streets.
Mrs. GILLIAM had not been complaining, but was in splendid health and was engaged in sweeping the porch when stricken.
She had only a few minutes before left the room where her nieces, Misses Fannie and Bessie WOODS, and their father, R. H. WOODS were seated. Suddenly, without any warning, they heard loud groans and on opening the door found her lying prostrate, still holding the broom in her hands.
Although help was given her and medical attention summoned as quickly as possible, 'twas all to no avail, as death had already ensued.
Mrs. GILLIAM was one of the most lovable characters that ever resided in Marion, being of a kindly disposition and a true christian, having for years been a member of the Presbyterian church in this city.
Her life has been a sad one, having lost her husband and five children, she being the last surviving member of her family.
She was born Feb. 1, 1845, and had she lived until the first of next month would have been sixty-one.
She was the daughter of Alfred ARMSTRONG, a former merchant of Marion, and in his day one of the first citizens of the place. Her mother was Miss Mary Eliza WILSON, the only sister of Mr. R. W. WILSON of this city.
She is related to many of Marion's first citizens, being a first cousin of Mesdames R. W. WILSON, H. K. WOODS, J. W. BLUE, S. M. JENKINS, and of John W. WILSON.
Mrs. GILLIAM was married in 1863 to Dr. Albert GILLIAM but he met an untimely death about twelve years later from an injury received by being thrown from his horse.
The funeral was conducted by the Rev. James F. PRICE at the Presbyterian church, Wednesday afternoon, and the interment took place immediately afterwards, at the new cemetery; where she was laid to rest by the side of her husband who preceded her to the grave so many years before.
The Pallbearers were chosen from among her friends--those who had known and loved her from their childhood--and were: C. S. NUNN, G. M. CRIDER, H. A. HAYNES, J. F. DODGE, R. V. STINSON, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., W. E. STINSON, of Enfield, Ill.
The floral offerings were very beautiful.
Robt. STINSON of Mt. Vernon, Ind. attended the funeral of Mrs. R. GILLIAM Wednesday.
Edward STINSON, of Enfield, Ills., was in the city Wednesday and attended Mrs. GILLIAM's funeral.
Rev. James F. PRICE was called to Lisman Friday to preach the funeral of Uncle Joe RICE, a member of the C. P. church at that place.
Herschal Pickard, the 3-year-old son of Rev. J. O. SMITHSON of Carrsville, died last Wednesday morning, of convulsions, at the home of his parents in Carrsville. The remains were brought here for burial. Rev. SMITHSON and family have many friends here and all sympathize with him and his wife in their great bereavement.
Herschel Pickard SMITHSON, little son of Rev. and Mrs. J. O. SMITHSON, died of inflammation of the stomach at the home of his parents in Carrsville, Ky., Jan. 2, 1906, and was buried at Marion Jan. 3d.
Little Herschel and his twin brother, Luther Campbell SMITHSON, were born March 31st, 1903. Little Luther, being the frailer one, preceded him to the heavenly land about two years ago.
Although his life was so brief little Herschel had several periods of suffering. During the first year of his life he had serious spells of sickness, when it seemed impossible for him to live, but it was God's good pleasure to loan him to earth until now.
He leaves three brothers, Custin, John and Marvin, two sisters, Jessie and Mollie, and other loved ones, whose hearts are saddened by the loss of their darling.
He was so young, so sweet and so fair,
Such a blessing to our home,
But he is happier over there
Where sorrows never come.
We expect to meet you Herschel dear,
In the home of bliss above,
We know you will welcome us there
Where forever we will sing God's praise.
James B. BRADLEY, a ruling Elder in Piney Fork church, passed to his reward Dec. 18, 1905, aged 39 years, 10 months and 18 days.
He professed faith in Christ at 26 years of age, and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church in August, 1900; was elected Deacon in March, 1902; was elected and ordained Ruling Elder in October, 1902.
He was a devoted christian and he will be missed in the home, in his community as a citizen, and in the church.
While he was a great sufferer he never murmured, but assured his family that he was ready to go at any time. His hope grew brighter during his long, severe illness. A visit with him was a benediction and an inspiration and his faith in God.
He leaves a wife, father and mother, one brother and three sisters, to mourn their loss but his eternal gain.
His funeral was preached by his pastor, the writer, from Luke 20:36. May the great Comforter console the bereaved ones.
Mrs. Mary Rebecca GILLIAM was born in Fredonia, Ky., Feb. 1, 1845. Her parents were Alfred and Mary Eliza ARMSTRONG. Her mother was the sister of R. W. WILSON, of this place. In her early life her parents removed to Marion. From the time her parents made their removal until her death, she resided here. She had three sisters--Melinda Jane MILES, Mrs. S. F. WOODS, the only surviving child of Alfred ARMSTRONG and James Ella, (commonly called Dedia) FLANARY.
She was married to Dr. Albert GILLIAM. To them five children were given, three of whom died when young; the other two, John and Ada, grew to maturity.
She professed religion and joined the Presbyterian church Sept. 27th, 1867. Her husband, Dr. GILLIAM, died Oct. 24, 1877. Since then, for these 28 years, she has lived a widow. John and Ada survived their father's death a few years and then passed away, leaving Mrs. GILLIAM the only vestige of the family.
What shall we say in regard to her life and character? To know her was to lover her and the better you knew the better you loved her. With eyes beaming with the soft radiance of kindness and a sunny countenance, betokening the great soul within her, it was delightful to bask in the presence of her purity and enjoy her sweet converse of humility and love. She had in her very being a nobleness of nature, a spirit of fairness and justness to all that characterizes God's true nobility. The innermost circle of relatives and friends who have lived and associated with her unstintedly testify of her sweetness of disposition of her forbearance and forgiveness of the faults and follies of others. How free she was from any word of censure or unkindness to others.
She was a woman of remarkable intelligence and broad culture, yet so modest was she and reserved in her nature that those who did not know her well would not likely thus judge.
She was a fine musician. In her palmy days, but few could equal her on the piano. It seemed that the music emanated spontaneously from the instrument under the deft touch of her skilled natural talent.
She was a pleasant visitor. Wherever she went she made the social circle happy. They were always glad of her arrival and loath to give her up when the time came for her departure. She had so many insistent invitations to spend weeks with these various friends that she could not fill the tithe of these invitations. In the providence of God she came home to die; to fold her mantle and sink to sleep--came home where she was best known and best loved. She seemed so glad to see all of her friends.
She was a noble christian lady. In the glory and beauty of her young womanhood she gave her heart and life to Jesus and to his church; she loved the church, while affliction often prevented her attendance. She loved her Bible and made it her daily companion. Its blessed promises buoyed her up amid the successive sorrows and scenes of bereavement through which she passed. Such a life, so pure, so sweet, so good, passes out from mundane shores, but anchors in the haven of rest. No long and lingering illness. But one shaft from death's arrow and she went home to Jesus. She sweetly fell asleep; while loving hands could not restore the life, bright angels caught the quivering spirit and conveyed it through the fields of ether,--and she awoke in the Paradise of God!
Dr. E. E. NEWCOM of Repton lost his little daughter Gladys last Tuesday. Her death took place at Dekoven, where she was attending school. Her mother, who was the daughter of Alex WOODY, and wife, died several years ago. Little Gladys was eight years old and a remarkably bright and pretty child. The burial will take place today at 11 o'clock at Mt. Zion.
Mrs. H. E. POWELL of Halls, Tenn. died at the home of her parents in Salem Tuesday morning, Jan. 16th, at 4:30 of tuberculosis combined with malignant malaria. Mrs. POWELL's health had not been good for some time past, and a few weeks ago she came from her home in the south to visit her parents, hoping that a change would be beneficial. It did not prove so however, and she gradually grew worse until relieved of her suffering. Her husband came to be with her and every care and attention was bestowed upon her, but to no avail.
Mrs. POWELL was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. J. FRANKS of Salem and was the sister of Mrs. Norman FARRIS. She was first married to Will ELDER, a son of Wash ELDER, that lived just west of the city on the Salem road. By this marriage one son was born, Rubell, who is now 10 years old, he being her only child.
About a year ago she was married to Howell E. POWELL, of Halls, Tenn. Mrs. POWELL was known to many of our people as Miss Birdie FRANKS and afterwards Mrs. Birdie ELDER, and was a young woman of fascinating manner and was endowed by nature with many personal charms, which endeared her to many friends, who will be grieved and shocked to hear of her untimely death, she being less than thirty years old. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the Baptist church, Rev. CONWAY, CARTER and HENRY officiating, and the interment at the new cemetery immediately afterward.
By an oversight we failed to make mention last week of the death of R. H. YATES, one of the first citizens of Sheridan, who died last week and was buried last Sunday at Hurricane; we hope to be able to publish his obituary next week.
In Memoriam
I knew the Hon. T. Everett BUTLER well, and knew him to be a courteous christian gentleman. I offer these lines to his Memory:
Death always strikes a shining crest,
Unerring in its aim;
And in yielding its claim
The mortal takes immortal rest.
A score and ten brief years less one,
Measured the span of life
Ended ere scarce begun the strife,
And yet in golden words 'tis writ, "well done!"
The first of thoughts began thy tomb
Nor silent, pulseless shaft
That itches virtue in marble aft
Long have come the shadows of gloom.
"Come walk with me," said Fame,
And with the guidance of my hand
Stamp upon thy native land
The granite of a righteous name.
Noble the structure of the youth,
And noble the very life plan
Of right with man and man,
And the dearest of earth the truth.
Faded as fade the stars when day
Floods them with too portentious light,
Tho' faded they shine on as bright
Where stars nor life loseth never a ray.
Jan. 19, 1906
W. B. DAVIDSON, born June 15th, 1847, died Jan. 15th, 1906. He was the youngest of nine children six of whom survive him. He was borned, reared, lived and died within three miles of Union church of which he was a member near forty years. He was a good neighbor, a good nurse with the sick and will be sadly missed by those around him. His wife preceded him several years ago leaving him the care of eight children who now are left to mourn his loss.
In Memoriam
"There is a voice we shall hear no more,
Sweet as the odors of spring were they,
Precious and rich but they have died away."
"Mrs. GILLIAM is dead!" Such was the startling announcement on Tuesday morning of last week. Surely, surely, there must be some mistake. Seeing her less than two days previous, in apparently the best of health, no premonition that death's scythe was so near.
Alas! when ushered into the death chamber where the still form manifested no sign of recognition. Oh, God! the aching heart was wrung with anguish, for though the casket was still warm the immortal soul's departure was confirmed by the immobility of those lovely and placid features.
The puny power of man against the Omnipotence of the great Creator.
Truly she was a grand, good woman, one whose benign influence was felt and recognized by all with whom she came in contact. She found life's voyage strewn with rugged scenes, Death had robbed her of the dearest treasures of life; she well knew the truth of the adage, "A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."
With such an aching heart; there was ever a placid, sweet smile of resignation always hovering around her lovely face. She numbered her friends by her acquaintances.
"None knew her but to love her,
None named her but to praise."
Adieu! friend of my girlhood days. You have crossed the dark river. I am waiting for Sharon's boat to ferry me over to the other side, where you and my other cherished ones await me.
Mrs. Addie JONES of the Sheridan neighborhood, died this week.
Patrick Henry KEMP Dead
Patrick KEMP, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. KEMP, of this city, died Tuesday morning Jan. 23rd at 5 o'clock. He had suffered extremely since Dec. 13th, '05, when he accidently shot himself in the left shoulder inflicting a wound which caused his death. All the medical aid possible was given him but it seemed that death had the hold on him.
He was born Feb. 14th, 1889 and if he had lived until Feb. 14th would have been 17 years old. He was born and reared near Shady Grove and had only lived in Marion a short time but has many warm companions, school boys and girls who miss him from their ranks.
His mother was Miss Mary Virginia FOX, daughter of Noah FOX one of the county's best men.
He leaves besides his parents, one half-sister, Mrs. Sam BROWN and one half-brother, Jno. KEMP, and six brothers and sisters, the oldest being Mrs. Frank SWISHER, of Tunica, Miss., Ashley, Dedie, Franklin, Robert and Pressley.
Since his affliction he made a bright profession of religion in the presence of relatives and friends.
The funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist church by Rev. T. A. CONWAY and interment at the New Cemetery.
Died at Dekoven, Jan. 16, little Gladys, daughter of Dr. E. E. NEWCOM. She was a bright little girl and loved by all who knew her. The doctor has our sympathy in his bereavement.
Leonard and Bart WOODY, of Evansville, were at home a few days last week. They came to attend the funeral of their little niece, Gladys NEWCOM.
Mrs. Sarah THOMASON, wife of J. H. THOMASON, died since our last letter and was buried at Piney cemetery. Rev. OAKLEY of Marion preached the funeral.
A Good Man and Honored Citizen
Passes to His Reward
After a long and painful illness, extending over several years, Robert Newton WALKER, one of the best known and most highly esteemed and beloved men of Marion and Crittenden county, passed away at his home on N. Main street, in this city, on Wednesday morning at nine o'clock.
Mr. WALKER is survived by his wife who was before her marriage Miss Sarah Jane CLEMENT to whom he was married March 4, 1857. This union was blessed by eight children, two of whom are dead, they being Miss Lou and Joseph H., six surviving, all of whom were with him during his last illness, excepting his son, R. C. WALKER. The children are:
R. C. WALKER of Grand Junction, Colorado.
Mrs. Jesse OLIVE, of Eddyville.
Mrs. Henry LEDBETTER, of Elizabethtown, Ill.
Mrs. D. B. MOORE, Mrs. E. H. DOSS and Miss Nellie WALKER of this city.
Robert Newton WALKER was born in this county near Tolu on June 4, 1833, and was therefore in his seventy-third year. He lived on the farm until 1868 when he was elected Sheriff, defeating Robert COFFIELD, formerly postmaster at Marion. The fact that he was endorsed in 1872 and re-elected proves that he was one of the best sheriffs the county ever had.
He engaged in the retail dry goods business for several years in Marion with P. H. WOODS, now of Ardmore, I. T. and in the leaf tobacco business with J. C. ELDER, Jr., now in the post office, and also the late Piney Frank WILSON, and later in the furniture business with his son-in-law, Jesse OLIVE.
In all stations of life he has had the confidence, love and esteem of the people.
He retired from active business pursuits on account of his failing health several years ago, since which time he has been tenderly cared for by his devoted wife and children.
He was one of the pillars of the Methodist Episcopal church, and few were the times when his seat was vacant at services when held there.
The funeral will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. R. McAFEE.
The Rev. R. M. WOODSIDES, of Braggadocio, Mo., died at that place happy in a Saviour's love on the 5th day of last December, of pneumonia, after an illness of eleven days.
Mr. WOODSIDES was for many years a resident of Crittenden county, and if I mistake not served for awhile in the Federal army. He was known as a public school teacher of the highest class, back in the 70's and contributed many articles in verse and prose to the local paper. The following stanza from one of his poems is still fresh in the writer's memory:
"Alas! how vain and cheating
Are all the hopes of earth;
They're like the moments fleeting
And joys will die at birth.
They, like the little flower,
That looked so sweet at morn,
Will perish in an hour,
And leave the heart forlorn."
He came to Dixon school house, one mile north of Hampton, early in the spring of 1873, taught a school at that place during the spring, and two or three times later on where Joy is now located.
He professed religion at the great Arbor meeting held by Eld. W. B. HOSICK, and there at Dixon in the summer of 1874; he was married to Miss Henrietta WEAVER early the following winter.
He began preaching shortly after he was married, and at the time of his death was a local Methodist minister.
He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death.
He's gone and I'll see him no more,
This side the mournful tomb,
Gone, but I knew him well of yore,
Knew every look his features wore,
When they were in their bloom.
I shut my eyes and see him yet,
To me a thoughtful man,
Whose verse I strove in youth to get
And shuddered while I dared to let
His eyes my lyrics scan.
He's gone from us but there's a clime
Where parted friends may meet,
Beyond the sunset verge of time
And tune their harps to lays sublime
At Jesus' sacred feet.
In Memory of R. H. YATES
Robert H. YATES was born Oct. 17, 1863 and departed this life Jan. 6th, 1906. He was 43 years, 2 months and 20 days old, was born, reared and died at Sheridan, Ky., this county. He was the elder son of Rev. and Mrs. John T. YATES. Nov. 11th, 1885 he was married to Miss Sue MINNER, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MINNER. To this happy union seven children have blest their home, of which four still survive, two boys and two girls, Charles and Ray, Lena and Birdie, besides his wife and children and five brothers and two sisters are left to mourn his loss, the Evangelist William B., Redford, Learner, George and Loren, Mrs. Margaret CLEMENS, of St. Louis and Ima.
He professed faith in Christ in 1884, joined the M. E. church and has always lived a devoted christian, a faithful husband, a loving father and was highly respected by all who knew him. Mr. YATES' health began failing him some two or three years hence and gradually grew worse until he was confined to his room. He suffered untold agonies at times until the death angel spirited his soul to a haven of rest. He bore his pain like a soldier and never grew weary or impatient and oft times lay on his sick bed and sang and prayed with his family, kindred or friends and on number of occasions while alone could be heard singing praises to God on high. He was a dear lover of music either vocal or instrumental and his many friends were ever ready to assemble at his home and join him in singing.
He was a great church and Sunday school worker, always attended and took part whenever his health would permit and for many years camped and attended the famous Hurricane camp meeting and was ever ready and willing to lend a helping hand and contributed cheerfully to anything for the cause of rebuilding of Christ until called to rest.
His remains were interred at the LOVE cemetery. Revs. BOGGESS and GIBBS conducted the funeral services at the grave. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community and may the blessings of God rest and abide with them forever.
Weep not for him who peacefully rests
For our Creator knows the best,
God's will not ours has been fulfilled,
A place is vacant in our home
which never can be filled.
Little Pearl BRANTLEY Dead
Mary Pearl BRANTLEY, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. BRANTLEY, of East Marion, died Sunday, Jan. 14, of inflammation of the brain. She was born July 30, 1904, being over a year old when she died, and was a very bright little girl and loved by all who knew her.
The funeral services were conducted by Mr. Rufus LITTLE and interment took place at the CROWELL cemetery Monday. The parents have the heart-felt sympathy of all the people in their great affliction.
Sunday evening the entire community was stricken with sorrow at the news that John, the five-year-old son of Dan PATTON, the druggist, had been killed by being kicked by a mule. The child was playing in the yard when the mules were passing by; he ran out into the road and one of the mules kicked him in the breast. He died in a few minutes. Funeral services were held at the C. P. church Monday evening by Rev. OVERBY. A large crowd was present, who deeply sympathize with the stricken parents in the loss of their bright little boy.
Little John PATTON Fatally Kicked
By a Mule at Fredonia
John PATTON, the little 5-year-old son of Dan E. PATTON, the well known and popular druggist at Fredonia, was almost instantly killed Sunday afternoon by being kicked by a mule.
The little fellow was alone and it is not known exactly how the accident occurred, but is presumed he climbed over the fence into the lot and got too close to the mule. The remarkable part about it is that after being kicked he was able to scream loud enough to attract his mother's attention and also climbed over or crawled through the fence and fell dead.
His mother rushed to his assistance and found him lying by the fence with life extinct.
A physician was hastily summoned and an examination made, but nothing could be done for the little fellow. The mule's hoof had hit him near the heart and had burst a blood vessel which caused him to bleed to death almost instantly.
The child was a beautiful, bright and promising little fellow, and Mr. and Mrs. PATTON have the heartfelt sympathy of all the community in their deep affliction.
Old Lady Passes Away at the Home
of Her Son Near Salem
After a short but painful illness extending but a few days, Mrs. Rhoda RYAN, one of the best known and most highly esteemed old ladies of Salem, Livingston county, passed away at the home of her son, J. R. RYAN, three miles south of Salem, Saturday morning at 11:30 o'clock.
Mrs. RYAN was born March 6th, 1825, and departed this life Jan. 20, 1906; she was 81 years, nine months and twenty-six days old. She professed faith in Christ early in life, joined the Baptist church and has always lived a devoted Christian, a faithful wife, a loving mother, and was highly respected by all who knew her.
Her remains were interred at the family cemetery, Rev. J. J. FRANKS conducting the funeral services.
The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community, and may the blessings of God rest and abide with them forever.
Died in Kansas
Mrs. Annie CARTER, wife of Thos. H. CARTER, who moved from this county to Kansas a few years ago, died at her home very suddenly of heart trouble.
She was a sister of 'Squire J. R. and Miss Mandena POSTLETHWAITE of this county, and has many friends who will regret to learn of her sudden and untimely taking away.
Mr. P. C. STEPHENS was called to Princeton last week by the death of his brother, E. M. STEPHENS, who died Monday of last week. He suffered a stroke of paralysis while seated at the dinner table and died at eight o'clock. Mr. STEPHENS was about 65 years of age, and was an upright, honorable, industrious and genial man. A wife and six children survive him.
Mrs. W. D. CANNAN attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. E. M. STEVENS, at Princeton last week.
Died of Typhoid Fever
Jennie HENSLEY, the 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HENSLEY, a citizen of the Hurricane precinct, died Sunday night at 12 o'clock of typhoid fever. She had been very low for several weeks and her death was expected. She was a bright and interesting little girl and her parents have the sympathy of all. The interment took place Tuesday at Hurricane church.
Thrown to His Death
The following, which we copy from the Moffat, (Colo.) News, will be of interest to the readers of the Press because of the fact that the wife of deceased was a native of this county. She was Miss Sorena A. FLANARY, a daughter of the late Wm. FLANARY, and a sister of Mrs. W. B. WILBORN and Messrs Eli and Sam FLANARY, of Fords Ferry. The News Says:
James W. JACOB, who was thrown from his wagon in a runaway at Moffatt about two weeks ago, died last Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. from the effects of injuries sustained in that fall. The shock was so severe that he never recovered the slightest degree of consciousness, at any time after the sad accident.
Mr. JACOB was born in Oxford county, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 27th, 1852, and died at Moffat, Colorado, Jan. 27th '06 at the age of 54 years.
He came from Canada to Kansas in 1871 and thence to Colorado in April of 1874, where he has remained ever since. On April 27th, 1887 he was married to Miss Serena A. FLANARY. One child, Eva, was born to them on May 22d, 1902, and departed this live Nov. 22d, 1903.
Mr. JACOB lived on a ranch near Moffat. He was an honest, upright man, well known and respected by all his neighbors. He had been in ill health for some time. He and Mrs. JACOB had planned a trip east, and the preparations were just about completed when the fatal accident occurred.
The deceased leaves a wife and other relatives here to morn his departure.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Saguache on Monday at 1 o'clock p. m., Rev. J. T. SEATON officiating. The services were largely attended. Interment in Hillsdale cemetery.
The bereaved and sorrowing wife and friends have the deep sympathy of the entire community.
Mrs. TOLLEY, who lives near CHILDRESS school house, died Feb. 9, and was buried at the LOVE graveyard on the 10th. Mrs. TOLLEY was a Miss TILLY, before marriage, and leaves a husband and four little children to mourn her death.
Ed. COOK attended the burial services of his uncle, Nute WALKER, at Marion last week.
Abe WALLACE, of Wheatcroft, Kills His
Wife, a Beautiful Young Woman
Henderson Gleaner: One of the most horrible shooting affrays ever occurring in this part of Kentucky, is that reported from Wheatcroft, in Webster county, this morning. The particulars, as near as could be ascertained are about as follows:
Abe WALLACE, a son of R. P. WALLACE, of Wheatcroft, shot and killed his wife and then himself Sunday afternoon. About three months ago WALLACE married a beautiful and popular young woman at Wheatcroft by the name of HICKS. It seems that they were not congenial, on the contrary were in frequent family feuds. The union was a most unhappy one, and as a consequence they were separated and lived apart. Four or five times have they separated and after each time they would make up and agree to live together again. About two weeks ago they separated again and the young wife packed up her duds and proceeded to the home of her parents. WALLACE, it is said, again tried to bring about a reconciliation, but Mrs. WALLACE would not listen to the proposition and thereupon he determined to have revenge. Nothing less, no doubt, than the blood of his young wife would satisfy him. Sunday evening Mrs. WALLACE and a lady friend were on their way to church, little dreaming of the frightful tragedy so soon to take place. As they passed along WALLACE observed them, and thereupon the devil seized on his mind and dictated in all its furiousness, the deed to be committed. It was an awful thought to seize hold of one's mind, yet WALLACE was not himself, but an inhuman fiend, completely in control of old Satan himself. He walked deliberately up to the two women and as deliberately shoved the accompanying lady to one side. As he did this he leveled a pistol directly at the head of his wife and fired, and without awaiting results turned the revolver on his own body and fired. It is said death was instantaneous, but his wife lived for five minutes of more. Both parties were well known young people in their neighborhood.
Bleeds to Death
Princeton, Ky., Feb. 15.--George BAMMER, a young man aged twenty years died at his home in this city at three o'clock this morning from loss of blood.
For twelve days the young man had been bleeding at the nose, and was afflicted with what is known in the medical profession as "Hemophilia", or lack of coagulating properties of the blood. Instead of coagulating the blood continues to flow. The young man had been afflicted with the disease all his life, and several years ago came near dying from having a tooth pulled.
DIED.--The remains of Mrs. Nelly DALTON, nee HAMBY, were brought up from Paducah a few day ago and interred at the Caldwell Springs cemetery. She was the wife of Mr. Ed. DALTON, jr., who removed from this place to Paducah two years ago.
William J. PARIS, an Old Citizen of the
County Found Dead at Lucile Hotel
Last Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock the lifeless body of Wm. J. PARIS was found in a bed room at the Lucile house on Bellville street where he had retired the evening before.
It is not known exactly when he died and heart failure is the supposed cause as he was in his usual health when he left his home in the northern part of the county a few days before. He was in his 62nd year and leaves besides his wife, 8 children, James, Bayless, Andrew, Lonnie, Miss Minnie, Ellen, wife of U. S. GRAVES all of this county, Councilman Henry PARIS, of this city and Mrs. E. L. GASS, of New Madrid, Mo.
The funeral was from the residence of his son, Henry, in this city and the interment took place at Pilot Knob, the FOWLER Graveyard Saturday.