June 9, 1904
All people of Marion are probably not aware that they have right here at their very door, a library of near 2000 volumes at their disposal, free for the asking. Every Saturday afternoon the librarian, Mrs Ina Price, is there to wait on you, and those who enjoy good books will find a rare treat in store for them. Books of fiction such as,
"Silas Warner," George Eliot.
"Asa Holmes," Amanda F. Johnson.
"The Burial of the Gums [Guns]," Thos Nelson Page.
"True to the Old Flag" Henty.
"A Quaker Maiden," Raymond.
"The Winner."
"The Erie Train Boy."
Sir Walter Scott's works, 11 v. Thackary's [Thackeray's] Works, 15 vols; Dickens works, 13 vols.
Louisa M. Muhlbach's works, 18 vols., Historical Fiction, etc.
Works on History.
60 [v]olumes of World's History,
32 vols. Makers of History.
4 vols History of Government of the U. S.
Prescott's Works.
4 vols. History of the Nineteenth Century, etc.
Studies in Literature.
Famoue [Famous] Warner Library, 43 v.
Hawthorne's Literature of all Nations, etc.
In Poetry there are:
Shak[e]speare, Pope,
Keats, Moore,
Tennyson, Byron,
Goldsmith, Gray,
Wordsworth, Shelly,
Swinburne, Scott[,]
Emerson, Browning,
Longfellow; Bryant,
Dante, Burns,
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
In Biography there is:
Louis Philippe, Charles 1st, Marie Antoinette, Henry Clay, Garfield, Cortez, Louis XIVth, Madame Poland, Webster, Peter the Great, and 100 others.
Among the current Magazines are:
Ladies Home Magazine.
Woman's Home Companion.
Book-Lovers Magazine.
Harpers Bazaar.
St. Michaels.
Literary Digest.
American Boy.
Worlds Work.
Review of Reviews.
Youths companion.
Saturday Evening Post.
And many others.
Among the miscellaneous are:
Reed's Modern Elegance.
Farmers American Statesman.
4 sets of Encyclopedias.
And hundreds of volumes of Juvenile literature. In fact most all of the good books are found there and everyone in Marion has contributed his or her mite to accumulate this splendid library, and everybody is entitled to enjoy them. "He who Reads, Rules. He who reads not, Rusts."
Source: Crittenden Press. (Marion, Ky.) 1886-1907, June 9, 1904, Image 3 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress.
[My comments are in brackets.]