Hardin County Independent July 22, 1926


Circuit Court Proceedings July Term

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The people vs Marion Hines, commonly called Pinckney Hines assault to murder; capias awarded, bond fixed at $2,500.

The people vs Marion Hines, commonly called Pinckney Hines assault to murder; capias ordered, bond fixed at $2,500.

The people vs. Marion Hines, commonly called Pinckney Hines, assault to murder: defendant appears in open court enters his plea of guilty as charged in the indictment; court accepts defendant's plea and sentenced him to the Southern Illinois penitentiary at Chester for a term of years as provided in the statute for such crime of assault to murder.

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R. F. Taylor vs Marion Hines, alias Pinckney Hines, assumpsit damage $108.50.  Judgment for plaintiff for $108.50.

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Henry Lanham vs Marion Hines alias Pinckney Hines, trespass damage $10,000; continued.

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Source:  Newspapers.com. Hardin County Independent. Elizabethtown, Illinois. July 22, 1926. Page 1.