January 21, 1909
Modern Woodmen of America.
Friday, January 1, was a great banner day in the history of Shady Grove Camp No. 12422 Modern Woodmen of America. Met at the Hall in regular session. Officers for the ensuing year were installed and future work of the order was planned.
The past year has been a most prosperous one, and the ensuing year promises to be a more prosperous one. Following are the officers elected for the ensuing year: S. D. Asher, Consul; W. F. Brown, adviser; C. M. Dennen, banker; Kelley Simpson, clerk; S. W. Towery, escort; J. C. Skelton, watchman; Thomas Travis, secretary; Bert Woods, chief forester; Rev. Eman Bosster, chaplain; Dr. R. O. Davis, camp physician; T. B. Kemp, Henry and Johnnie Birchfield, board of managers.
They went on with the good work began until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, then they marched through the village of Shady Grove and back to W. H. Birchfield's residence, where they found a sumptuous supper awaiting them. Mrs. Birchfield certainly had everything on the table that could have been appetising [sic]. They partook of the good things and all had an enjoyable time.
There were three new members to be iniated [initiated] and the ceremonies held the camp in session long after midnight. The meeting was long to be remembered and strikingly illustrated the growth and healthy condition of the Shady Grove camp.
This camp No. 12422 was organized August 26, 1908, has more than 50 members and is rapidly increasing in membership.
The ladies present at the supper were Mesdames Will Birchfield, Jane Tudor, Willie Tudor, Sam Asher, Jim Skelton, Will Brown, Sheck Towery, Jeff. Elder, Rassie Eskew, and Miss Anda Campbell.
Source: Crittenden Record=Press. (Marion, Ky.) 1907-1909, January 21, 1909, Image 4 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress.
[My comments are in brackets.]