December 2, 1904

To Uncle Harvey Travis

BY O. G. W.

You dear old Harve whom we love so well,
If we the half of all our love should tell.
    You would grow red, as was that famous rose
    Of York which blushed, as every poet knows,
To Lancaster on some soft bosom's swell.

And that would not be right and fit; for you
To York's white rose have ever been as true
    As saints to God--have worn it in your heart,
    Have made its whiteness of your soul a part,
Fresh as that rose impearled with morning's dew.

We like to have you round; we like to see
That crown of glory which so jauntily
    You wear, as if already you had been
    Promoted, and the blessed things had seen
Which at life's best, we know are sure to be.

We like your shining face; it does us good
To see it beam; it makes our lazy blood
    Move faster, and our quicken hearts expand;
    And, when you hold us by your mighty hand,
Some doubtful things are better understood.

How is it Harvey?  We who strive with you
Some noble work for God and man to do,
    We avow, we fret ourselves to prove
    The Perfect Life, the All-embracing love;
But you just feel and know these things are true.

What is the secret?  If you can impart
Your cheery gospel of the trusting heart--
    But, if 'tis not transferable, why, then,
    No whit the less we bring a glad amen--
Glad that you, somehow, know the blessed art.

There are two fountains, one of tears, and one
Of wholesome laughter; and they play and run
    Anear each other.  You to both have gone
    And drunk your fill, and then have led us on
To where they gleam and ripple in the sun.

You are so human; here's the central fact
Of which your life and speech are all compact.
    All things that touch the single, common heart,
    These have you chosen--these, the better part!
You are so human, feeling, thought, and act.

And yet the other things you know as well.
And love almost as much; the wondrous spell
    That nature weaves in grasses, trees and flowers;
    The doing of the busy, tireless hours,
What the birds know and what they sometimes tell.

Stay with us Harvey!  Do not go away!
Stay with us yet for many a happy day!
    Huge, joyful, tender, help our duller ways
    To ring with music and to laugh with praise.
God bless you! and let all the people say, Amen!

And now farewell!  God's blessing rest with you, and may He give you peace!  Farewell!

Source:  Crittenden Record. (Marion, Ky.) 1886-1907, 1904-1907, December 2, 1904, Image 6 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress.


December 9, 1904

Family Reunion.

Jas. H. Travis, who is the father of Jailer Travis, and resides near Repton, celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday on Monday, December 5th.  There were about fifty children, grandchildren and other relatives present.  A sumptuous dinner was served and a royal time enjoyed by all.  "Uncle Harvey," as he is familiarly known, is hale and hearty, and rides and drives about at his pleasure.  The poem published in this paper last week entitled "To Uncle Harvey Travis," by O. G. W., was a tribute to him.

Source:  Crittenden Record. (Marion, Ky.) 1886-1907, 1904-1907, December 9, 1904, Image 6 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress.