PRINCETON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Designed to furnish the best education at the lowest possible cost. Established in 1860. Reorganized in 1880 under a new charter, dated March, 1881. Rev. Heman H. Allen, D. D., principal; Hon. Charles Anderson, president of the board of trustees. Has a full corps of experienced teachers. Course of study extensive and thorough, in the primary, intermediate and collegiate departments, including mathematics, the natural, mental and moral sciences, belles-lettres, ancient and modern languages, music and art. Some of the leading and best educated men of Kentucky, after visiting the school, said of it, "we cannot speak too highly of the methods of instruction and proficiency of this school. We know of none better."


Source:  J. H. Battle, W. H. Perrin, & G. C. Kniffin. Kentucky. A History of the State. Louisville, KY, Chicago, IL: Battey, 1885. Page 688.