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- THE BEBOUT FAMILY IN FLANDERS AND NORTH AMERICA, 1943, by Alexander C Flick, p 10: "JAN BIBAU [6677-2391] (the American progenitor), son of Pieter No. 9 [6653-2381], was bapt. in the Roman Cath. church at Thielt [Flanders] Jan. 31, 1647: Joannes Bibau filius Petr Bibau [6653-2381] fs Simoen et Maria Verkinderen [6674-2381]. His mother died at his birth. He lived at Thielt until his departure for New Netherland. There is a tradition in the American family that the progenitor after having been in New Netherland for some years returned temporarily to his old home to settle an estate. Although we have no direct evidence to prove that this tradition is based on facts, it would seem that at the time of the settlement of his father's estate in 1679, mentioned above, Jan Bibau preferred a cash settlement to a division of the real estate holdings of his father. Is it possible that he intended to sail for the New World shortly after, now that his father had died and for this venture preferred money to property holdings? The Dutch records do not give us any information about him between 1679 and 1687, when he makes again a settlement with his brother-in-law [Pieter Beheyt 6681-2385] on account of a legacy received from his cousin Maeyke Bibau [6655-2373]. ^ This document makes the connection with New Netherlands a definite one and is therefore given herein in full (translated). Notary Abraham de Rijcke at Aardenburg. On the 15 day of 1687 appeared before me, Abraham de Rijcke, Notary Public residing at Aardenburg, in the presence of the witnesses to be named, d'Eersame (the honorable) Jan fs (filus) Pieter Bibou [6653-2381] at present here in this city, well known to me, stating that he has authorized, ceded, transferred and now authorizes, cedes and transfers to d'Eesame Sr. (the honorable Sinjeur) Pieter Beheyt [6681-2385], merchant and burgher living in the aforesaid city, present and accepting the conditions, such rights and power of attorney as was devolved on the comparant, by virtue of a certain last will and testament, made by Mayken bibou [6655-2373], late widow of Clais de Baets [6658-2373], deceased in this city, more fully stated in said testament or last will, passed before Notary Thomas Mattheussen dated . . . (not filled in). The comparant acknowledged to have received from the acceptant by virtue of the afores. legal paper and registered document every penny from the first to the last, and to be well satisfied, and to have been paid in full and gives herewith full acquit and receipt; and as the comparant has been left upon the decease of the aforesaid Mayke bibou, his cousin, as oldest heir (oudste hoir fidaal) a land-in-tenure (leen), being a parcel of land large abt. one half (bunder) acre, situated in the parish of Thielt, outside in the district of Schyerscapelle, the comparant therefore institutes and gives powers of attorney, by virtue of this instrument, to the aforesaid Sr. Pieter Beheyt his brother-in-law, giving him special order, irrevocably to appear before the court of land tenure, under which the aforesaid land-in-tenure resorts, to have the aforesaid land transferred in his name in the style and custom of the aforesaid court; and furthermore to do in a general way and in a special way all that is required, considering the comparant is about to depart from his fatherland, to take up residence under the Lord's blessing, in New Netherland; in consideration and in rememberance of the special services and friendship which the comparant has received from the aforesaid Pieter Beheyt and his wife, the comparant's sister, also in regard to his equipment in connection with his voyage, therefore in order not to remain a debtor to ungratefulness, the comparant has in consideration of special friendship, love and affection, given by his free will, gives and allows therefore to Jannes fs Pieter Beheyt, his nephew (coijn in this case meaning nephew), the aforesaid land-in-tenure, to keep, use and own same as his own; and to appear in the name of the comparant before the aforesaid court of land tenure, to release him in full of the tenure and to invest the aforesaid Jannes Beheyt fs Pieter and his heirs forever with the same and to pass such papers and records as is customary with the aforesaid court; in general and specially to do everything that is required, in the same manner as if he himself were there, could do and see in regard to the transfer of the land-in-tenure. The comparant promises herewith never to revoke the transaction ordered by him by virtue of the clause in the last will and testament and also of his own free will; never to take or allow to be taken any action, directly or indirectly in any way in regard to this, but to regard this proceeding as right, permanent and bonded and of value, without any claims, in ragard to any transaction which his constituent will do or have done in regard to the aforesaid matter; giving him also full acquit of all indebtedness which the comparant has with his brother-in-law Pieter Beheyt as of today, nothing exempt. Done and passed in Aardenburg, without malice, in presence of Jan Dobbelaer [8529-3021], Paulus Servaes as trustworthy witnesses asked to do this, on the day in the month and year as above. J. Bibau 1687" FOOTNOTE ^ "It may be noted that the document does not state Jan bibau living at Thielt, as was the case in other similar instruments, but simply states at present at Aardenburg. However the wording of the instrument indicates a first voyage to New Netherlands rather than a return after a previous sojourn there."